Hello today I’m going to write about why am
I studying dentistry nowadays, I chose dentistry because I have a lot of abilities
that belong to the carrer like do somethings manuals and aesthetic with my hands, or like having scientific
thought and I didn’t want that abilities to lose in other carrer, truly at the
first moment I didn’t choose this profession because I really like it, my first
option was medicine like everyone, because I liked to help people and I liked
to do somethings related with the human body, but when I get in this carrer I
realized that are a lot of carrers related with the human body and scientific
thought (that also like me) including dentistry, but the thing that makes more
interesting dentistry was that this profession included abilities with our hands
and the topics that the teachers taught us were very entertaining. When I
finish this carrer I would like to study other vocation related with my
preferences like architecture, even it could be something like engineering (I think
that is an interesting occupation) and I also want to keep studying thinks related
with dentistry, I want to study an specialty like “Cirugía y Traumatología
Bucal y Máxilo Facial” or “implantología Buco Máxilo Facial” or “Rehabilitación
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